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Daily Announcements

Today is a 3-bell day with a 1:45 mandatory assembly for juniors, sophomores and freshmen for chaplain elections. Please see Mrs. Rowland’s email for house locations. There is lots going on this week so be sure to pay attention to Mrs. Rowland’s weekly email.

Students who were here on Friday will get an out of uniform sticker in MG today. Be sure the sticker is on you!!!

Thanks to everyone who came out to watch Flag Football at the Pit on Saturday night! There was a sea of green showing great support for our team!

Today in Athletics:

JV Softball meets Badin at Badin at 5:00.

Varsity Softball plays St. Ursula at 5:00 at Bellevue Sports Park.

There will be an Astronomy Club Meeting on Wednesday, May 1, before school in Room 114. We will recap the eclipse and share photos. If you have an interesting photo from the eclipse, send it to Mr. Jones. Drinks and snacks will be provided. All are invited.

Students and staff in the Emmits House, this is a reminder that TOMORROW is your free Skyline lunch for winning the car raffle! Emmits Mentor Group teachers, lunch coupons will be in your mailboxes by the end of the day. Please pass out your coupons tomorrow during Mentor Group. Emmits staff NOT in a Mentor Group will find their lunch coupon in their mailbox. Enjoy your SKYLINE TIME tomorrow!

Congratulations to the Segale Saints for winning spirit day on Friday! Stay tuned for your spirit day reward!!!

Happy hope week saints!! This week, be sure to spread a little extra hope throughout the school and to others in your life! We are highlighting mental wellbeing this week and taking some extra time to remember to take care of yourself! Hope Squad and StrongHer have some exciting things planned throughout the week, so be sure to be on the lookout! Today we will be announcing the self-care giveaway on the Seton Hope Squad instagram! We hope you all have an amazing week!

Seniors and Juniors—this is a reminder that prom tickets are on sale until tomorrow. Make sure you complete the permission slip and make your payment. No tickets will be sold after tomorrow.

Happy Birthday today to: Mia Cittadino

All seniors and juniors should report to the auditorium. Leave your backpacks and belongings against the walls in the hallways. Do not block doorways. No food, drinks or phones in the theater.

Today is a 4-bell day. This is a reminder that everyone must be in uniform tomorrow with a green uniform polo. If you do not have green, please wear black or gray. See Mrs. Rowland’s weekly email for acceptable sweatshirt options. No athletic, club or house sweatshirts!

Emmits’ MG teachers, please pass out your Skyline lunch coupons to your Mentor Group this morning. Enjoy lunch today, Emmits House!!!

Please remember to vote for your house chaplains. Ballots will remain open until 1:15 for Cedar, Emmits and Segale. O’Connell—your ballot closes at the end of these announcements.

Today in Athletics:

Varsity Softball plays McNicholas at McNick at 5:00.

JV and Varsity Lacrosse meet Loveland at Loveland. JV plays at 5:30 and Varsity at 7:00.

There will be an Astronomy Club Meeting tomorrow morning before school in Room 114. We will recap the eclipse and share photos. If you have an interesting photo from the eclipse, send it to Mr. Jones. Drinks and snacks will be provided. All are invited.

Hope Squad and StrongHer will have Shirley Temples at all lunch bells today! Be sure to grab one and be the cherry on top of someone’s day!

Seniors and Juniors—this is a reminder that prom tickets must be purchased by noon today.

If you are taking your free day on Friday, your free day form must be turned in to Mrs. Doll or Mrs Hughes by tomorrow morning!

Members of the Business Club--please report immediately to the gym after announcements to get a picture for the yearbook.

Happy Birthday today to: Evelyn Joecken, Marisa Poff and Mrs. Anderson

Today is a 3-bell day with a 2:15 dismissal and a modified assembly schedule. See Mrs. Rowland’s Sunday email for details.

Today in Athletics:

JV Track and Field participates in the JV Series #4 at Harrison High School beginning at 4:30.

JV Softball plays Lebanon High School at Lebanon at 5:00.

JV and Varsity Lacrosse meet Oak Hills at Oak Hills. JV at 5:30 and varsity at 7:00.

Good Morning Saints!!! Hope Week is already half way over, but it is never too late to be a bright light for your peers as well as participate in the other activities we have planned this week. Keep a look out for the suns hidden around the school for a small prize as well as further announcements for the rest of the week! Have an amazing rest of your day everyone!

Congratulations to our house chaplains for next year:
Cedar—Riley Ellis and Mia Gilday
Emmits—Nora Darnell and Heidi Harmeyer
O’Connell—Claire Lambert and Meredith Zenni
Segale—Lu Guidugli and Maddie Williams

Watch your email and listen to announcements for mentor captain elections.

Happy Birthday today to: Jaycie Bushman, Samantha Hahn, Lily Hutchinson, Emme Jim, Mrs. Fuchs and Josh!

Today is a 4-bell day

Today in Athletics:

Varsity Track and Field competes in the Best of the West at Oak Hills starting at 4:00.

Varsity Softball meets Colerain at Colerain at 5:00.

Aly Young is up for Enquirer Lacrosse player of the week. Vote for her using the link in Courtney’s email from yesterday.

INTERalliance, Seton’s technology club, will be having our end of the year party today after school! We will be doing many fun activities including 3D printing and going over ways to get involved in technology this summer! There will be snacks and drinks. We hope to see you there!

Students taking AP Language next year should meet during the assembly time on Monday, May 6th in Dr. Metz’s room, 201, to go over summer homework. Thank you!

We hope you are having a great week saints! We love seeing all of you in your bright colors! Thanks for being bright lights for everyone at Seton! The raffle winners will be announced tomorrow morning on announcements! Thanks for bringing hope all around, and have a great rest of your day.

Please join us tomorrow morning at 7:25 in the chapel for our Friday rosary service.

Our rosary will once again be offered for all of those in need of support this Easter season. All are welcome and encouraged to attend. It’s never a big deal if you are running late or have to leave early, please just pray with us for as long as you can. Rosaries and a "prayer sheet" are provided in the back of the chapel. Senior, Ella Vatter will be leading our service this week!  Hope to see you there!

Happy Birthday today to: Kristen Link and Mrs. Roederscheimer of our Halo Café staff!

Today is a 7-bell day with an 11:21 dismissal for seniors and juniors. Happy Prom Day!!

Tomorrow in Athletics:

Flag Football vs. Mt. Notre Dame at St. Ursula at 11:00 a.m. Good luck, Saints!

Vote until 4:00 today for Aly Young for Enquirer Lacrosse player of the week. Use the link in Courtney’s email from Wednesday!

Students taking AP Language next year, remember you are meeting during Monday afternoon’s assembly time to go over summer homework. The meeting is in Dr. Metz’s room—201.

Animal Welfare Club is coming back!!

An informational meeting will take place on Wednesday, May 8 at 7:40 a.m. in Mrs. Hinker’s Room--332. We will be discussing plans for next year and looking for individuals to take leadership roles for the 24-25 school year. If you can’t make the meeting, please reach out to Mrs. Hinker or Peyton Walter for more information.

Happy last day of hope week Saints! Remember that this week simply brings awareness to mental health within all of us, but we encourage you all to carry hope and positivity throughout the rest of your lives within yourselves and others! We are so grateful for everyone here at Seton and we thank all of you for participating and bringing hope this week and every day! Now, what everyone has been waiting for, the winner of the self-care basket! The winner is Lydia Hutzel!!! Congrats and you can come to the library anytime today to get your prize from Mrs. Flowers! Have a great Friday and great weekend!

Happy Birthday today to: Hannah Scheland, Ava Sellet, Faith Sellet, Elizabeth Shewmaker and Juliet Van Wassenhove. Tomorrow to: Makenlie Littleman. And on Sunday to: Brianna Gruen, Kaitlyn Johnston, Marissa Kilby and Aubrey Weller. Have a great day, Saints!

This week’s Good Vibes Saint is . . . junior Grace Edwards. Grace was in the cast of Shrek. Mr. Kohler said this when he nominated her: on Sunday, Grace arrived well before her call time to help clean the hallway, dressing rooms, and trash for her cast mates. She did this with a few juniors from Elder, but Mrs. Sunderhaus said she led the charge. She did all this just to help make things run more smoothly! Thanks, Grace, for showing your castmates what good Seton Vibes look like! Keep putting that kindness out in the world! Stop by MR’s office for a small treat.

Now, it’s time to announce the final house standings and the charity cup winner for 2023-2024.

In fourth place with 82 points—O’Connell
Third place with 94 points—Segale
In second place with 114 points—Emmits
And the winner of this year’s charity cup with 124 points—Cedar!!!!

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